You are creating your reality one thought at a time!
You create your thouhgrs, your thohhgts create your intentions, your intentions create your reality. ~Wayne Dyer
You can communicate with the Universe!
You are able to communicate directly with the Universe and everything in it by using your thoughts.
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How Are You Feeling?
Alignment is all about the background feeling you are having while you are experiencing your reality. ~Nicole Gauder~ Read full story here
It Is An Illusion!
The you that you think you are as the “body self” is not real. It is an illusion perceived by the mind. The Real You is the one who is at...
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Be the Observer.
There is a seeker and one which is observing that which is being sought. Be the observer behind your thoughts. Watch reality unfold form...
What Occupies Your Mind?
The world as you perceive it is not real. It is a figment of your imagination. As you think so shall you be. ~Nicole Gauder~
What Is your reality?
The planet is spinning on time: not a small event. All the galaxies are managing fine; the whole cosmos is doing great. But you have one...
Is Addiction Holding You Back?
Giving up an addiction means re-programming that part of your brain that makes you restless and unhappy if a desire is not realized.” Ken...
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You Don't Have To Be Important.
Remember this, you don't have to be important or special or glamorous; all you actually need is success and pleasure from whatever it is...
Don't Wait To Tap Into Your Power.
Deep within the individual is a vast reservoir of untapped power awaiting to be used. No person can have the use of all this potential...