How Are You Using Your Energy?
Emotion is energy in motion, and it is this energy in motion that you send out to the Universe that creates your reality. ~Nicole Gauder~
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The Power Of Choice Is Yours!
You can choose what type of alignment you are in and what you attract into your life. This leaves you with the power to have what you...
Reality Is An Illusion!
The secret behind having all that you want is knowing that reality is an illusion. Your reality is subjective. As you think so shall you...
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You Already Have It!
“To detach from the outcome is to align with the feeling as if you already have your desire” ~Nicole Gauder~
How To Be A Deliberate Creator And Manifest Your Reality.
Reading Time: 1 Minute 8 Seconds Manifesting reality is the ability to create the life that you truly want. It is a powerful tool that...
As a bonus, you will also receive a copy of Book 1 in the series Conquer Stress.
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I’m excited to announce Book 2 of the Mental Health Series is Coming Soon!
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Keep An Eye Out!
Are you feeling held back in life and can’t seem to figure out how to get to the next step? Keep an eye out for book 2 in the Mental...
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Book 2 Coming Soon!!!
Ready for the second stage of the Mental Health Journey? Be on the lookout for Book 2 of the Mental Health Series which is coming out soon.