Somewhere There Is A Reality Where Disease Never Occurred.
In a Universe of many possible realities. there are numerous potential answers. Somewhere among all those alternate realities there...
The Mind Gives Form To The Creative Impulse.
The mind is essentially a survival machine. Attack and defense against other minds, gathering, storing, and analyzing information – this...
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What Frequency Are You Vibrating At?
Each thought, emotion, or mental state vibrates at different frequencies, much like musical notes. Just as you can deliberately play a...
Everything you want is already here.
Although it is true that everything you will ever want is already here, it is up to you to get into harmony with it. Clearly, you will...
What Do You Fill Your Mind With?
Fill your mind with all peaceful experiences possible, then make planned and deliberate excursions to them in memory. You must learn that...
The Present Moment Is What IS!
The present moment holds the key to liberation. But you cannot find the present moment as long as you are in your mind. The predominance...
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Are You A Victim Of Addictive Programming?
As you grow into higher consciousness, you will become aware of the many ways in which you have been involved in complex role playing,...
Do You Know God?
Although God is not a person in the usual sense of the word, He has every quality of personality except its limitation. Think of God as a...
There Is No Reason To Seek That Which You Already Are.
It is an old truism that if you seek happiness, you do not find it. For all this seeking, this quest for a spiritual technique which will...
Are You Experiencing Illusions In Your Life?
Now that the illusions that you held about your life have been exposed and have begun to dissipate or dismantle, you may feel empty and...
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